Saturday, October 10, 2009

No Sleep Til Brooklyn!

Not the case actually. I had very nice visits with Sheri, Amy, Scout and Tate in Houston. I spent a day with Joey, Dan and lovely Miss Danielle in Atlanta. I crashed with Ski and Karen in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Their hospitalities made my cross half the country trip very pleasant. I even got a chance to see my friend Theresa who I haven’t seen since, well since before we both had grey hair.

And after 1900 miles and 5 days I have arrived in Brooklyn! I now live at 188 President St. Apartment 4 Brooklyn, New York 11231(pictured above) with Elizabeth Zechel. I also live with Newt and Lewis, two cats who are having a very hard time getting used to me. On previous visits they were skittish, but curious. This time I showed up with lots of stuff and I think they are getting the idea that I may be here to stay.

For those of you who don’t already know, Elizabeth is a woman that I dated around 20 years ago back in Chicago. She is a kindergarten teacher, a children’s book author, an illustrator, a fabulous cook and just an all around cool chick. And I kinda like her. A lot.

I am still trying to wrap my old mind around the fact that I live here. I’m not just visiting this time. I reside here. In New York. In Brooklyn. It’s crazy. I always wanted to live in New York. I just never had the reason, or the cajones and now I do.

So what’s the neighborhood like? It’s great. Carroll Garden is around a mile or two south of the Brooklyn Bridge. It is a traditionally Italian neighborhood and many of the residents look as though they at least made call backs to be on the Sopranos. It is a clean, quiet neighborhood with great shops and restaurants and two awesome bakeries.

We even have one crack/heroin/gummy bear house, just three doors down from us! But today I saw a heroin addict yell at a bunch of crack heads to get off his stoop. And that was promising. They may be junkies, but at least they’re house proud! Gotta love that.

Today we went to the farmer’s market at Burrough Hall. I felt like Tom Hanks in You’ve Got Mail, walking and shopping with a cute blonde. You know, life is pretty good.

This blog will be here to chronicle all the fun, new and crazy things I discover in New York. Hope you come back and read it from time to time.


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to visit you in NYC! Sending much love, and some humidity, your way (I know you miss it!!) xoxoxooxo
