Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Modest Proposal

I have become very disillusioned by all the infighting and stalling in Washington. The Republicans are more concerned about regaining power and hamstringing President Obama than they are about helping to get this country out of the hole they dug. President Obama appears to have left his spine somewhere on the campaign trail, because he hasn’t shown it since he arrive on Pennsylvania Ave.

So I think I may have a solution. Here is my modest proposal:

Let’s just leave the Bush era tax cuts in place for the wealthy. We can let them run out for the rest of us. Truthfully, that few hundred dollars isn’t going to make a difference for most Americans. Then we should let the unemployment benefits run out for everyone who isn’t working. Let’s be serious. Those meager checks aren’t going to keep anyone afloat much longer. You who aren’t working are going to lose your homes. Promise. You are going to default on your credit cards and car loans. It may not happen this month, but it will happen. Who are we kidding? And it’s not like the banks are going to start lending and businesses are going to start hiring. That’s years away. Probably after 2012.

So, then we should take the 15 million people who are now destitute and make them indentured servants to the wealthy. We could do something like for every $10,000 in bonuses that the average Wall Street banker or hedge fund manager makes, he should get ten indentured servants. Then, those servants could be rented out to take the place of the 11 million illegal aliens currently in “skilled labor” jobs. The other 4 million servants could do something like pick fruit. The companies who employ these servants could then be given a tax break for employing these lay-abouts. Or those 4 million people could build the Halliburton National Border Wall and Moat.

Additionally, NPR should have all of it’s funding withdrawn. Not just the public funds, but all the private donations. That organization cannot be trusted to give a fair and balanced perspective. So….NPR should be sold to FOX and renamed National Palin Radio. We wouldn’t even have to change the call letters. (Do we really want to give money to some progressive, probably homosexual designer to come up with something new?)

And speaking of THOSE people, the Defense of Marriage Act needs to be bulked up and renamed. I was thinking something like the Defense of White Christian Heterosexuality Act. That should cover most of our social problems. The rest can be solved by getting rid of the 10% of Muslims that Glenn Beck has branded as terrorists and allowing Tea Party National President Judson Phillips to change the voting laws so that just land owners can vote. That will certainly cut down on wait times on election days. Plus for the rest of us, we can just get back to work.

I also think once and for all the truth about 9/11 needs to come out. It was an inside job. Financed by the Nazi Billionaire George Soros, the Clintons orchestrated the attacks as a way to undermind and derail the Bush administration. It’s obvious. Had Soros and the Clintons not done this George Bush could have focused all his energy on shoring up the levees in New Orleans before anything bad happened. Why? Because George Bush loves black people. Duh.

Well, those are a few ideas. Anybody got anything better?